For a dozen years or so, my wife, Holly, and I have been carving out time for an annual retreat at the end of December or the beginning of January. Over time, we began to value it so much, some years we went away twice a year so that we could revisit and adjust our lives every 6 months. July/August is a perfect time to revisit the rhythms of our lives, the unintentional ones and the intentional ones!
Our retreat plan has ebbed and flowed, but over the years we’ve come up with a set of practices in a particular sequence to guide us into a more intentional life. It’s been a fruitful, keystone habit that has shaped our lives individually and as a family. People have often asked us to help them to do a similar retreat. We have been so grateful to be able to partner with @navpressbooks to share these simple, curated practices with you!
When “The Intentional Year” released this past December, the response was so overwhelming and beautiful. We were so inspired and encouraged by how you were participating with the Holy Spirit to cultivate fruitfulness on purpose.
But people began to ask us about a companion journal. We wanted to create that too, and so did our publisher. And now, it’s finally here!
“The Intentional Year Journal” is a simple resource that makes practicing intentionality even easier.
We’ll guide you to reflect on your past season, to discern God’s call on what’s next, and to examine five key spheres of life— Prayer, Rest, Renewal, Relationships, Work. These five spheres comprise the heart of the book and the journal. Swipe to preview them!
“The Intentional Year” and “The Intentional Year Journal” are a simple set of practices arranged in particular sequence that works for people in all stations of life, whether you do a retreat or not.
Journey with us to live with purpose and peace in the season ahead.
Pick up your copy of the journal (and the book!) today!